On our Managed Flex servers, a Redis-Instance runs on port 6379 by default.
The following instructions can be used to run a second Redis-Instance on a different port.
Prepare your own Redis instance
To complete these steps, you must be logged into your Managed Flex Server via SSH.
We recommend creating an ~/app/ directory for your own applications and then creating a subdirectory for each of your applications. This keeps everything neat and tidy at all times. So, for Redis, we will create the directory ~/app/redis.
mkdir -p ~/app/redis/
Get the Redis configuration file
Next, you would need to ask our technical support to copy the Redis configuration file in the ~/app/redis folder you just created.
To do this, create a support code in the Hostpoint Control Panel as described here.
Then send the support code to our technical support (support@hostpoint.ch) and ask them to copy the Redis configuration file in the ~/app/redis folder.
Configure Redis
You can start with the Redis configuration as soon as our technical support has copied the Redis file for you.
Edit the Redis configuration file ~/app/redis/redis.conf with vim or nano and edit the following lines:
daemonize yes => daemonize no
pidfile /var/run/redis/redis.pid => pidfile /home/IHR_USERNAME/app/redis/redis.pid
port 6379 => port DER_GEWÜNSCHTE_PORT
dir /var/db/redis/ => dir /home/IHR_USERNAME/app/redis/
In the same configuration file you also have the possibility to set a password for your Redis instance. If you want this, then you can simply search for # requirepass foobared delete the # character and replace foobared with the desired password.
Using Custom Service Control
The Custom Service Control (CSC) can handle operations and the automatic management of your application, e.g. starting and stopping it when performing maintenance on your server.
Configuring Redis in the CSC is fairly simple. Set up a new custom service for Redis:
hpservices supervisord add redis
successfully created dir for redis: /home/username/.services/supervisord/redis
successfully created dir for redis: /home/username/.services/supervisord/redis/log
supervisord service config file written: /home/username/.services/supervisord/redis/service.conf
A configuration framework is created in the file ~/.services/supervisord/redis/service.conf for the new service. For Redis, the command has to be modified. You can leave all other suggested values alone (delete the semicolon at the beginning of the line).
command=/usr/local/bin/redis-server %(ENV_HOME)s/app/redis/redis.conf ; the program (can take args)
directory=%(ENV_HOME)s/app/redis/ ; directory to cwd to before exec (default no cwd)
autostart=true ; start application at supervisord start (default: true)
stopwaitsecs=10 ; max num secs to wait before SIGKILL (default 10)
stdout_logfile_maxbytes=1MB ; filesize at which to rotate logfiles (default ist 50MB)
stdout_logfile_backups=10 ; number of stdout logfile backups (0 means none, default 10)
stderr_logfile_maxbytes=1MB ; filesize at which to rotate logfiles (default is 50MB)
stderr_logfile_backups=10 ; number of stderr logfile backups (0 means none, default 10)
Using supervisorctl update , you can apply the new configuration to Redis:
supervisorctl update
redis: added process group
For more detailed information on working with CSC and the options it offers, refer to the guide for Custom Service Control.
The new Redis instance can now be tested with this command:
If everything was configured correctly, you should receive the response "PONG".
If not, we recommend that you review the instructions and contact us if it still does not work.
The following points should be considered:
- Following your configuration, two Redis instances are running. The default Redis-instance and the Redis instance you created.
- Your Redis instance is not monitored by us, so unfortunately we cannot react in case of errors or crashes.
- 3. During major updates of Redis, the service may not restart automatically. In this case, you would need to restart the service with the command supervisorctl restart redis .
- In the Hostpoint Control Panel, only the default Redis-instance is displayed under "Server Overview", but not the one you created yourself.
For support requests please use this form instead.