Redis is an in-memory database with a simple key-value data structure (key value store) and belongs to the family of NoSQL databases (i.e. it is not relational).
We offer the latest version for your Managed Flex Server and update it regularly. In the Control Panel, you can see which port we use to run Redis: Host: localhost:6379
We offer Redis as a standard feature for all Managed Flex Server products.
Several WordPress plugins are available that can be used to configure the cache options for Redis. We recommend using either Redis Object Cache or Powered Cache.
Once the plugin is installed, enable it in the overview and then open the settings. You can enable the cache function for Redis here and, depending on the plugin, you will also see other optional settings.
Note: Installing and enabling multiple cache plugins simultaneously can lead to conflicts. This is why we recommend testing various plugins before choosing which plugin to use.
Drupal 8
To use Redis in Drupal, you must first install the necessary module by clicking a download link or opening it from a .tar.gz file directly. The current version is available on the official Drupal website.
Once you have installed the module, you must then add the following lines to the file “./sites/default/settings.php”:
* Redis Configuration.
$conf['chq_redis_cache_enabled'] = TRUE;
if (isset($conf['chq_redis_cache_enabled']) && $conf['chq_redis_cache_enabled']) {
$settings['redis.connection']['interface'] = 'PhpRedis';
$settings['cache']['default'] = 'cache.backend.redis';
// Note that unlike memcached, redis persists cache items to disk so we can
// actually store cache_class_cache_form in the default cache.
$conf['cache_class_cache'] = 'Redis_Cache';
To ensure that Redis is displayed in the status report, we also recommend clearing the entire cache.
To use Redis in Magento, activate it with the following SSH commands:
bin/magento setup:config:set --cache-backend=redis --cache-backend-redis-server= --cache-backend-redis-db=0
bin/magento setup:config:set --page-cache=redis --page-cache-redis-server= --page-cache-redis-db=1
bin/magento setup:config:set --session-save=redis --session-save-redis-host= --session-save-redis-log-level=3 --session-save-redis-db=2
A detailed explanation of each parameter can be found in the official Magento documentation.
Joomla! includes its own option to select the desired cache method in the settings. The “Cache Handler” can be selected by going to System > Configuration > System > Cache. In this case, we choose “Redis”. The IP address is used as the server host. The server port is set to 6379.
To use Redis with Typo3, only the LocalConfiguration.php has to be modified by inserting the following code directly after 'SYS' => [. In this example configuration, the expiration for all caches is set to 24 hours, but this can of course be changed to whatever suits your needs.
'caching' => [
'cacheConfigurations' => [
'pages' => [
'backend' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend::class,
'options' => [
'database' => 0,
'defaultLifetime' => 86400
'pagesection' => [
'backend' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend::class,
'options' => [
'database' => 1,
'defaultLifetime' => 86400
'hash' => [
'backend' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend::class,
'options' => [
'database' => 2,
'defaultLifetime' => 86400
'extbase' => [
'backend' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend::class,
'options' => [
'database' => 3,
'defaultLifetime' => 86400
For more information, refer directly to the official Typo3 documentation.
In Neos, the following file has to be modified: ./Packages/Framework/Neos.Eel/Configuration/Caches.yaml
By default, the file looks like this:
frontend: Neos\Cache\Frontend\StringFrontend
backend: Neos\Cache\Backend\SimpleFileBackend
The cache is then modified as follows:
frontend: Neos\Cache\Frontend\StringFrontend
backend: Neos\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend
For more information and guides, refer directly to the Neos documentation.
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