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The collected log data from your website often contain more information than you need. To avoid importing unnecessary information, you can apply the following four filter options:

  • Skip IP numbers
  • Skip files
  • Strip URL parameters
  • Google parameter

Skip IP numbers

Enter the IP addresses you wish to exclude from statistics. Separate multiple IP addresses with commas, e.g., You can also use wild-cards * and regular expressions.

This setting only affects new traffic. Past visits from this IP address will remain in the database and will be included in your statistics.

Remove IP numbers

If you wish to remove past visits from certain IP addresses that are already saved in the database for this profile, you can do so by clicking on the “click here“ link in the help box of the “Skip IP numbers” field.

Then select the time period during which the IP address should be removed and specify the IP address. Use only exact IP addresses and do not use wildcards (*).

By clicking on “Delete“, the data will be irrevocably deleted.

Skip files

This setting allows you to specify whether to exclude views of certain files or file types from the statistics. For example, you can enter file types such as .gif, .jpg, .swf, .xml, or a filename such as PageNotFoundError.html if you want to exclude them from data collection and analysis.

You can also enter keywords to exclude files or directories that contain these terms.

Example: If you wish to exclude the logaholic directory, just enter logaholic/. This setting affects only future traffic. Past views of files in this directory or of the directory itself remain saved in the database and in your statistics.

Delete files

If you wish to remove past views of files or directories that are already saved in the database, you can do so by clicking on the “click here“ link in the help box of the “Skip Files“ field.

Then select the date range and enter the file names of the files or directories whose past visits you wish to remove. Enter an exact, complete file name only, with no wildcards (*). For example, enter PageNotFoundError.html to remove all data that may have been collected in the database for that page. By clicking on “Delete“, the data will be irrevocably deleted.

Check or uncheck the “Recreate data files” option in the “Advanced Report Options” in the reports. By default, this option is deactivated (set to “No”). This will allow the visits of deleted files to continue to be counted in your summary reports. This may affect the totals on several reports. Activating this option will remove the visits for this page from the statistical calculations on the summary reports for this profile. 

If you require more complex filtering, you can also use wildcards * and regular expressions to reference IP addresses or files, e.g. (^www\.[xyz|].log.*).

Strip URL parameters

Enter any URL parameters you specifically wish to include or exclude from tracking.

Example: the URL /index.html?osCsid=1kmfg8pvmavr09hg4rj3brg9d6 contains the parameter osCsid, but tracking that full URL (including the parameter) may not prove very useful in analyzing your website traffic. Tracking URLs with these lengthy parameter strings can take up a great deal of space in your database, making updates and reports run even more slowly.

Separate multiple parameters with a comma: dh, osCsid, lala, lala2.

If you choose to “Exclude” these parameters, visits to URLs that include these parameters will not be collected for data analysis.

If you choose “Include” these parameters, only visits to URLs that include these parameters will be collected for data analysis. All others will be excluded.

Only use “Include” if you wish to optimize Logaholic by tracking a smaller subset of site traffic. Be certain to list all significant parameters you wish to track. Otherwise, all other data is not collected.

Configure Logaholic to collect and analyze your most significant data. By stripping certain URLs as well as skipping specific IP addresses and files, you can eliminate the overhead of collecting useless data, keep Logaholic's database compact, make your web analytics run faster, and lighten the load on your system.

Google parameters

Please enter the Google parameters you would like to track. Any parameter not included here will be removed from the statistics. This is important because Google adds lots of stuff to the query string that you might not be interested in, but will cost a huge amount of database space (and time). So, only list the parameters you are interested in.

Tip: Never remove 'q', that contains the keyword.

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