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With the Sites update from version 3 to version 4, the operation of our website builder solution has changed a bit. In this article we will show you all the new features.

Floating Action Point

Until now, the operation of Sites was mainly done via the menu at the top. That's where you could change the fonts, customize the colors and design, insert media such as images or even add content elements/widgets to the site.

Now these menu items can be found in the bottom right corner in the so called “Floating Action Point”.

FloatingActionPoint en


The selection of fonts has been simplified. Now the list on the left allows you to choose the preset format to edit and on the right you can then manually set the font and other individual parameters of the format. With the blue arrows to the left and right you can also select predefined font sets.

Schriftarten en


The design menu has also been optimized and all settings can now be found in the same place. In the “Presets” tab you can select predefined color palettes with coordinated colors. Using the other tabs, the design's many individual parameters can be manually defined.

Gestaltung en


Media management has also been simplified. Now the desired media (images, videos, PDF, etc.) can be easily uploaded or folders created via the “Add” button. The media can then be added to the website as usual via drag-and-drop.

Medien en

Content elements/widgets

The content elements are now divided into categories to make it easier to find the widgets you want.

Widgets en


The design selection feature has been moved into the left sidebar with the other menu items. Here the thumbnails are displayed bigger to make it easier to choose one of the designs.

Design en

Also after selecting the design, all the designs can be browsed using the left and right arrows. Clicking in the middle of each thumbnail will open a preview of the selected design. Within this preview it is now also possible to navigate through the whole page. This way you can see if the design fits well with the content on the page.

Design Schritt1 en

In the next step, the current title images as well as colors and fonts can be maintained. However, this also gives you the option to start from scratch if you want to.

Design Schritt2 en

Changes in the limitations of Sites Limited and the Sites Starter hosting

If you use Sites Limited or Sites Starter, you know that you could only add a limited amount of pages and widgets (functionalities) before. For each page and each widget, you used up a certain number of credits. And once you reached 20 credits, you were no longer be able to add any pages or widgets.

With the update from Sites 3 to version 4 this credit system was phased out. You are now able to add as many widgets as you want. However, the selection of available widgets remains limited compared to that available in the full version, and you are only able to have up to 6 pages.

Some widgets are no longer available since the update. If you're still using some of these widgets, these will remain active on your Website. However, please note that once you remove it, you will not be able to add it back. You can find the list of widgets available for your version of Sites on our website.

If you used more than 6 pages on your site before, these remain active after the update. But there again, if you do have more than 6 pages, you will not be able to add new ones.

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