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To install WordPress on your web hosting, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Hostpoint Control Panel with your Hostpoint ID.
  2. Open your web hosting.
  3. Click on “Websites” in the menu and then on “One-click apps” below.
  4. Switch to the “Available applications” tab and click on “Install” for WordPress.
    WordPressInstallieren en
  5. Select the appropriate domain on which you want to install WordPress.
  6. The directory should be filled in automatically. The option “Install WordPress in subdirectory /wordpress” is only needed if the directory where you want to install the website already contains content. Otherwise, leave the option unchecked.
  7. If you want to install a specific former version of WordPress, you can select it here. Otherwise, the latest available version is automatically selected.
  8. The access data will be generated automatically. If you prefer to set the access data yourself, you can assign them manually. 
  9. Select the preferred language of your WordPress installation.
  10. Accept the general terms of use and click on “Install”.
    → WordPress will now be installed on your web hosting.
  11. If you have generated your access data automatically, they will be displayed once after the installation. Make a note of them or save them in your browser.

→ WordPress has been installed successfully. You can now log in to your WordPress using the link provided.

Please use this form only to provide feedback on the above guide.
For support requests please use this form instead.



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Le presenze digitali di Hostpoint (sito web, Pannello di controllo, Support Center, ecc.) utilizzano i cookie. Questi vengono utilizzati per raccogliere dati sulle interazioni dei visitatori. Facendo clic su «Accetta», acconsente all’utilizzo di questi cookie per scopi pubblicitari, di analisi del sito web e di supporto. Alcuni cookie essenziali sono tuttavia indispensabili per il corretto funzionamento di questi siti web e pertanto non possono essere disattivati. Anche senza il Suo consenso, determinati dati potrebbero essere utilizzati in forma anonima per fini statistici e per l’ottimizzazione dei nostri siti web. Si prega di tenere conto della nostra Dichiarazione per la pivacy.
