Under “Dynamic Pages” in the profile configuration you can configure the necessary settings to analyze the performance of the dynamic web pages that may be included in your website.
A dynamic page is one that is created on the fly and exists only when requested by a visitor. These dynamic pages are often created through PHP code and often they are data-driven, such as those pages that display selected products for sale or items in a shopping cart.
Most often, these pages, or the components displayed on the page, are stored in a database. On request, these components are read from the database and presented to the visitor as a web page. These systems are often referred to as CMS, or Content Management Systems (such as Joomla!, WordPress, TYPO3).
The problem regarding web site analytics is that the URLs created by CMS systems are generally unreadable and hard to interpret. The settings for dynamic pages allow you to enter information about your dynamic pages and their parameters that enable Logaholic to track visits to these pages and provide readable statistical analytics.
Some dynamic pages of your website might include important parameters that are passed to the CMS script specifying which content is to be displayed. If this is the case, you might see URLs on your website that look something like /index.php?pageid=aboutus or /index.php?pageid=order. If that is the case, then the index.php part of the URL isn't particularly relevant. Instead you'll want to keep track of all traffic that comes through with the pageid parameter. Different scripts and websites use different file names (/index.php in the example, but it could also be index.aspx or anypagename.php) followed by a parameter name (pageid).
Enter the full path location of your dynamic web page. The path name must begin with a slash “/”, for example /index.php.
Enter each parameter delimited by a comma, for example: aboutus, contactus, register
The information you enter for dynamic pages can then be used to configure KPI target pages that contain parameters.
Example: The URL for the page that indicates a completed sale on your website is named /shop.php?checkout=success.
Once you have configured the dynamic page by entering the page name (/shop) and the parameter (checkout), you can then add the full page with the parameter to your list of KPI target pages.
Serving all of your website content through a single page name (like index.php in the example above) is not the most optimal way to organize your site. Search engines prefer more readable URLs. Luckily, most good CMS systems now allow you to use URL rewriting techniques to make the page names more readable. If your CMS system has that feature, using it will provide you with the best results in Logaholic.
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