Top Pages
The “Top Pages” report shows a list of the pages that were most viewed by human visitors. It displays the number of visitors each page has gained over a certain timeframe and how many times the page has been viewed.
Top Pages - Details
The “Top Pages – Details” reports is a more detailed version of the “Top Pages” report. In the column “Page” all parameters entered are taken into account in the URLs.
Page Trends
Monitor the trends in visitors for the most important pages on your site with this report. This report splits up in days, weeks and months. With help of a graphical presentation, you will see immediately which pages perform better or worse than the average.
Top Entry Pages
The “Top Entry Pages” report shows the top entry pages (the first page requested by a visitor to your website) and the number of visitors for whom this was a top entry page.
Landing Page
Landing Pages are pages where visitors enter your website. This report shows the most important landing pages with corresponding visitor numbers. Through the report options it is possible to drill down on a certain keyword or referrer. This way you will be able to see on which pages people enter when using a certain keyword. Another option in this report is the ability to see URL parameters.
Time on Page
This report shows how long your visitors stay on a particular page.
Top Feeds
This report displays the number of visitors who accessed your site via an RSS feed. This report depends on the data you configured in the profile configuration under “Feeds”.
Most Crawled
The “Most Crawled Pages” report shows how many times your website is visited by so-called search engine bots. Those are virtual visitors looking for new pages on your website. Every time a bot hits a page, this is counted as a page view.
Average Page Time
This reports shows how long your visitors stayed on a particular page (the level of engagement). The report settings lets you choose the page you want to investigate.
Top Pages in the Last Hour
This reports shows the pages that have been visited the most in the last hour.
YouTube channel
The “YouTube channel” report shows all videos from your YouTube channel, including the number of views, the number of likes and the amount of comments.
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