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Activate password protection

  1. Log into your Control Panel and click «Websites» at the left side of the page.
  2. Click on «Web settings» under the Website you want to protect with a password.

  3. Go to «Password protection».
  4. Now click on the slider «Password protect this directory» to activate the password protection.
    Password protection
  5. You can add a name for this protection in the field «Authorization realm» or leave it empty.
  6. Assign a username and a password. Then confirm it with «Add User» and the user will appear underneath in the list.
  7. Click on «Save» and the Protection will be active.
    Password protection

Remove password protection

  1. For removing the protection just click on the now green slider and it changes to gray again.
  2. Click on «Save» then the protection will be removed. 
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