Automatic verification of the server key
The first time you connect to the server via SSH, you will be asked whether you want to trust the server's key or not. This is done to ensure that you are connecting to the correct server.
On Linux and macOS, you can add the following lines to the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts to automate the review:
@cert-authority * ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFWLS/vgrNVYR+Yx6UnJD19yMzFGpxrOwScWFIEEJChR Hostpoint Host CA 1
@cert-authority * ssh-rsa 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 Hostpoint Host CA 2
Warning: Attention: This presupposes that you specify the Hostpoint server as server name (e.g.
The certificate will not be accepted if you use your own domain name.
Warning: Attention: Newer versions of SSH clients consider RSA signatures to be insecure by default. We are working on signing our certificates with a more modern signature. In the meantime, however, you must accept/ignore the warnings or add the following lines to the ~/.ssh/config file:Host *
CASignatureAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
Windows 11
If you are using the SSH client of Windows 11, you must use the following command to establish the connection correctly. Replace “Main Account” and the server name “sl123” with the information from the Hostpoint Control Panel.
ssh -m hmac-sha2-512
ssh -m hmac-sha2-512
Otherwise, the following error message appears:
Corrupted MAC on input.
For support requests please use this form instead.