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This article gives you an overview of the Hostpoint Control Panel. You’ll find out how the user interface is structured and where to find which features, so that you can get started and configure your Hostpoint products and services to suit your needs.


The Hostpoint Control Panel can be found at

Please use your Hostpoint ID and the corresponding password to log in. Find out more in the separate article on how to log in.

If you’ve forgotten your password, follow the instructions in the article “I’ve forgotten my Hostpoint ID password. Now what?”.

Hostpoint Control Panel

Home page

All of your Hostpoint services are shown on the home page, along with the number of contracts and any outstanding invoices. In the right sidebar, you’ll see notifications from Hostpoint about news and important topics.

CP Startseite en

The menu in the title bar takes you to the individual areas of the Hostpoint Control Panel. These are described in more detail below.

Hostpoint Control Panel


This menu item gives you an overview of all services that you can manage with your Hostpoint ID. These include the following products:

Details on this area can be found in the separate “Services” section.


This menu item takes you to the domain administration area, where you can manage your domain names. Here you can add subdomains, make DNS and name server changes, and much more.


This menu item gives you access to all your administrative data, including your contracts, invoices, orders and means of payment. You can also update your contact details and grant access rights here. In addition, you’ll find your SSL certificates in this area.

Details are available in the separate “Admin” section.


You can use the integrated shop to order other Hostpoint products and services without having to leave the Control Panel and log in again.


All of your services and products are listed in this menu item.

Selecting your web hosting

If you have a Hostpoint ID and have used it to log into the Hostpoint Control Panel, you can choose here which product you want to manage. For this, click “Open” for the desired product (web hosting, Sites, Webshop, Managed Flex Server).

Hostpoint Control Panel

Once you’ve selected a product, another menu with the corresponding settings appears on the left.

Hostpoint Control Panel

If you log in with a hosting user name, the server overview appears directly (see “Server overview” section).

Server overview

This page gives you an overview of usage in relation to your selected hosting. In addition to the available storage space and the number of domains and databases, you can also see which PHP, MySQL and Perl versions are currently in use on your server.

CP Hosting Uebersicht en


All our hosting packages offer the possibility of managing e-mail addresses. In the “E-mail” section, you can create and edit your own e-mail addresses for all your domains and subdomains. Cloud Office groups are also managed here.

CP E Mail Uebersicht en


Under “Websites”, you can create your own websites and configure the corresponding settings, such as SSL encryption and password protection. You can also see the document root of your website here.

Under the “Websites” menu item, you will also find access points to the applications that you can use to manage your websites.

  • Statistics: This menu item allows you to launch our statistics program Logaholic.
  • Sites: On this page, you’ll find the settings for our Sites website toolbox, which you can also launch directly from here.
  • One-click apps: In this menu, you can install popular third-party applications and CMS such as WordPress with just one click.
  • Webshop: You can start the trial version of Hostpoint Webshop here, or order and set up your Webshop.


In the “Databases” menu, you can see the MySQL databases available on your hosting account. If you have already installed applications, the associated databases are shown here. The databases can be managed and edited in phpMyAdmin.

CP Datenbanken Uebersicht en


Explorer allows you to upload folders and files to your hosting account, manage them and choose specific settings for individual directories. Explorer is essentially a file manager and works like one. Directories are shown in blue, individual files in black.

CP Explorer Uebersicht en


This menu item lists various sub-items for additional settings and features for your hosting, including password change, SSH access, FTP, backup manager and cron jobs manager sections. These allow you to control access to your hosting account, create backups and execute timed commands.


On this page, you’ll find the various channels through which you can contact Hostpoint. Support codes used for identification purposes in the event of an active support case can also be generated here.


In this area, you can take care of all administrative matters relating to your Hostpoint products.


You’ll find an overview of your outstanding and paid invoices here. Invoices can also be downloaded as PDFs.

CP Rechnungen en

Payment methods

On this page, you can see which payment method is used to pay your invoices. You can change your payment method and add new payment methods such as credit cards.

CP Zahlungsmittel en


Contract management lets you view and edit all your contracts with Hostpoint. You can cancel contracts or transfer them to another owner.

CP Vertragsverwaltung en

Pending orders

Here you have access to your orders that have not yet been processed. You can also purchase a new hosting or register a new domain name.

CP Offene Bestellungen en

Hostpoint ID

In this menu, you can configure various settings that affect your Hostpoint ID, i.e. your user account. You can change your password and contact details or activate two-factor authentication here. You can also grant access rights and define display options for the Control Panel. If there is an active support case, you can generate the required support code or send sensitive data to our employees via SafePad.

CP HostpointID Uebersicht en

SSL certificates

Here you will find an overview of all your SSL certificates – both those purchased from Hostpoint and externally. You can also create a new SSL certificate or install external or self-signed SSL certificates here.

CP SSL Zertifikate en

Please use this form only to provide feedback on the above guide.
For support requests please use this form instead.



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