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To schedule joint appointments in Cloud Office, proceed as follows:

  1. Log into Cloud Office with your e-mail address and your password.
  2. Go to the calendar in the blue menu at the top.
    01 01 
  3. Select the desired calendar on the left and then click on “Scheduling”.
    02 01 
  4. If you now add the desired participants, you will see the participants’ already scheduled appointments on the right.
    02 02 
  5. Select the desired time period for your appointment and click on “Create appointment” at the bottom right.
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    → All the participants you added on the scheduling screen will be automatically added to the appointment.
  6. Fill out the remaining information and create the appointment.

→ The appointment has been created and sent to the participants.

You can also find more information about Cloud Office features in the online help.

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General questions about the address book

General questions about tasks



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