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The “Mail” e-mail app for iPhone and iPad supports the automatic setup of your e-mail account with a configuration file. This configuration file is generated by the Hostpoint e-mail assistant.

To set up your e-mail account on your iPhone or iPad automatically, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the e-mail assistant in the browser of your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Enter your name (optional) and e-mail address and click “Continue”.
    06 01
  3. Select the operating system “iOS”.
    06 02
  4. Select the e-mail program “iOS Mail”.
  5. If you also want to synchronize your calendar with Cloud Office, activate the option “Synchronize calendar with Cloud Office”.
  6. Click on “Download configuration file now”.
    E Mail Assistent Konfigurationsdatei iOSMail en
    → The configuration file is being downloaded.
  7. Now follow the corresponding instructions from Apple to complete the installation of the configuration profile:

→ The configuration has been installed. Your e-mail account and calendar are now visible in the Apple e-mail program and calendar.

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