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Step-by-step instructions for configuring your E-Mail account in Apple Mail.

If you have created an E-Mail address in the Control Panel, you can configure this account in your Apple Mail.

E-Mail account administration

Click «Mail» and then select «Accounts» from the File menu to manage your E-Mail accounts. Select «Add Account».


Select «New Mailbox» and proceed through the steps.

First enter a name for this account. This name will be displayed in the account list.

Enter your full E-Mail address and the corresponding password in the field below.

Choosing the account type: POP3 or IMAP

Now choose between a POP3 or IMAP account.

Using IMAP saves your E-Mails on the server. Each time you read an E-Mail, a copy is downloaded from the server.
Using POP3 downloads and saves your E-Mails to your Apple Mail. The messages are then deleted from the server. This way, you can also read your E-Mails offline at any time, for example if you are on the train.

If you are not certain choose IMAP.


Enter the full E-Mail address in «User Name» and the corresponding password in the field below.
Enter as Incoming Mail Server.


Enter the full E-Mail address in «User Name» and the corresponding password in the field below.
Enter as «Incoming Mail Server».

Outgoing mail server

Enter as «Outgoing Mail Server».


Click «Sign In» to set up your account and then «Continue» to complete the setup process.

Once your account has been set up, go to «Advanced» and uncheck the box next to «Automatically detect and maintain account settings».

Also make sure the port number is correct:

Account- and connection typePort
IMAP with SSL 993
IMAP without SSL / with TLS 143
POP3 with SSL 995
POP3 without SSL / with TLS 110
SMTP with SSL 465
SMTP without SSL / with TLS 587

On the «Account Information» tab, click the drop-down menu next to «SMTP Server» and select «Edit SMTP Server List».

Make sure the port number is correct:

Account- and connection typePort
SMTP with SSL 465
SMTP without SSL / with TLS 587

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