You will receive this message when a mailbox on your web hosting has used up the available space.
You can encounter this problem as follows:
You have a set up a forwarding
Do you keep receiving e-mails with the notification “Mailbox full” although you are forwarding the e-mails to an external account?
If you simply want to forward e-mails, you do not need a corresponding account on the server. In this case, set up a forwarding and then disable the storage of e-mails in your mailbox.
You have a mailbox without forwarding
If you have not configured a forwarding for this e-mail address, then the space in your mailbox is used up.
In this case, please check the following:
- Are the e-mails retrieved with POP? If yes, make sure that the “Keep e-mail copy on the server” option is not enabled.
- Are the e-mails retrieved with IMAP? If yes, delete your e-mails periodically.
Your mailbox is filled with unwanted spam
To guard your account from becoming clogged with spam, you can enable the spam scanner with its spam box feature. This will identify undesired advertising e-mails and automatically delete them after a certain period, thereby freeing up this space again.
The mailbox size is too small
If the size of the mailbox is still insufficient after cleaning it up, you can always increase your e-mail quota in the Hostpoint Control Panel to create more space for your messages.
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